Despite having all the features of a karst river, the Gacka is incredibly slow, has a tranquil flow, and has a steady amount of water. In addition to the spring’s perpetual supply, Gacka is renowned for its stability and subtle temperature variations. The temperature is 9.4°C on average each year (7.9°C in winter and 10.8°C in summer), which is ideal for salmonids. The Gacka has a high oxygen content (p.1 to 13.5 mg/l), and its chemical composition is hard, slightly alkaline, and rich in calcium salts.
The flora and fauna of the Gacka is very rich. The water is lush with plants due to the favorable water temperature, pleasant chemical composition, muddy bottom, from mosses, algae to stem plants.
When it comes to fish, Gacka is renowned across the world for its brown trout (Salmo trutta farrio), which is the sport’s fishermen top challenge. Brown trout in Gacka grow 5 to 7 times more quickly than in any other trout water in the world due to the amount of food. Because of this, magnificent Gacka brown trout frequently reach weights of 5 kg.

Fishing regime
The fishing season on the Gacka River begins on March 1 and ends on October 31.
ZONE 0 – Sinačka pučina reserve, Kostelka from the delta to the source and Tonković spring to the tributary Knjapovac and all other tributaries of the Gacka river are designated as special habitats due to migratory routes and wintering grounds of fish, fishing is not allowed due to the protection of the fish shoals of brown trout and grayling.
ZONE A — from the Knjapovac tributary to bridge number 3 (Tončin most) in the Čovići.
In zone A, fishing is allowed exclusively with an artificial fly according to the “catch and release” principle.
In the period from October 1st to March 1st, fishing is completely prohibited from the zero (main) bridge to the Knjapovac tributary due to the migration of brown trout to the natural spawning grounds towards the Tonković source.
Throughout the year, fishing is allowed from the zero (main) bridge downstream, subject to the fishing rules.
Artificial fly bait may have one (1) hook. The use of streamers longer than 3 cm is prohibited in zone A.
Floats and obstacles are not allowed. Fishing at night is prohibited.
ZONE B— from bridge number 3 (Tončin most) in the town of Čovići to bridge number 5 (Stanišić bridge) in the town of Prozor.
It is allowed to take one rainbow trout larger than 30 cm in total body length and unlimited pike of all sizes.
Floats and obstacles are not allowed. Fishing at night is prohibited.
ZONE C—from bridge number 5 (Stanišić bridge) in Prozor to the confluence of the Gacka and Lika rivers into the Poljica tunnel.
Fishing is allowed with all artificial baits, with compliance with the regulations and the taking of one rainbow trout at least 30 cm in size, as well as the taking of pike of all sizes and quantities.
Artificial bait – the lure must not be smaller than 10 cm and can have a maximum of three (3) hooks (one-hook, two-hook or three-hook).
Fishing at night is prohibited.

ZONE D – includes lake Švica and reservoir Gusić polje. In zone D, fishing is allowed with any artificial baits.
Fishing may be done with a maximum of three fishing rods with one hook each, extremely artificial bait — a wader can have more than one hook, and a maximum of three.
It is allowed to retain a total of three pieces of fish by species, and the measures are as follows:
- pike 3 pieces 40 cm
- carp 1 pc 40 cm
- culvert 2 pcs 20 cm
- catfish 1 piece 60 cm
Fishing is completely prohibited from the zero bridge in Ličko Lešće to the Knjapovac tributary due to the migration of brown trout to the natural spawning grounds towards the Tonković spring in the period from October 1 to October 28/29. February every year.
From the zero bridge downstream, fishing is allowed throughout the year, subject to the rules. Fishing is prohibited from bridges and at a distance of 20 m upstream and downstream from the bridge.
It is forbidden to take brown trout and grayling due to the protection of populations along the entire course of the Gacka River.
The use of unregistered vessels on the entire course of the Gacka River is prohibited due to the protection of fish health, as there is a possibility that viruses such as VHS and ZHN may be transmitted from other waters, which would be disastrous for the fish stock of the Gacka River.
Due to the protection of the bank of the river Gacka, as an important habitat for plant and animal species, it is forbidden to park cars and other means of transport near the watercourse, as well as to wash them.
It is forbidden to place all obstacles (such as electric shepherds, fences, etc.) around the watercourse of the Gacka River in order to allow fishermen to reach the river.
The use of a diving suit is prohibited in the area of the Gacka River, except in exceptional cases with the written approval of the holder of the fishing right.
According to the Law on Freshwater Fisheries (Official Gazette 63/19), Art. 52, paragraph (1), it is forbidden to obstruct or prevent the holder of the fishing right in the exercise of the fishing right.
- TROUT: October 1 to 28/29. March
- JUNE: from January 1 to May 15.
- CARP — from April 1 to May 31
- CATFISH — from April 16 to June 15
- PIKE — from February 1 to March 31
A fish warden service was set up to protect the Otočac fishing zone against unauthorized use and other harm.
Fish wardens have the right to inspect equipment, fishing gear, and catch while carrying out their duties. They also have the right to demand a fishing license, an identity card, or other document that can be used to verify the identity of the person fishing.
People who are under the close supervision of fish wardens are required to give them the equipment they need to do their jobs, as well as any relevant data and information.
Fish wardens are required to wear an official uniform in addition to having a card and badge that attest to their official status, identification, and authority.In order to act faster when visiting the inaccessible terrain along the Gacka River, the fish watch service has the use of video surveillance and an unmanned aerial vehicle (drone) at its disposal.

The main course of the Gacka River is divided into zones A, B and C.
Zone A includes the flow of the Gacka river from the source of the Tonković vrilo to the Stanišić (Rogić) bridge, including the Sinačka pučina from the reservoir dam to the confluence with the Gacka river. Only fly fishing is allowed. In this area, CATCH AND RELEASE fishing is planned from the church of St. Francis downstream to the 3rd bridge (so-called Tončina bridge).
The zone from Knjapovac stream to Tonković vrila is a reserve and fishing is prohibited there.
Zone B includes the course of the Gacka river from the Stanišić bridge to the mouth of the Gacka river in the Poljica tunnel. Fly fishing and any artificial bait is allowed.
Zone C includes Švičko jezero and Gusić polje lake. Fishing with any artificial bait is allowed.
It is not allowed to use weights and floats when fishing with an artificial fly.
Fishing tickets can be purchased at the Gacka info booth at Ličko Lešće 198b
1. Daily license – €53.08
2. Three-day license – €132.73
3. Seven-day license – €278.72
4. Annual license (unlimited) – €929.06
5. Annual license for association members who have not completed work actions (15 outings in A zone, 15 outings in B zone and C zone unlimited) – €530.89
6. Annual license for association members who have completed work actions (15 outings in A zone, 15 outings in B zone and C zone unlimited) – €53.09
7. Annual license of HRVI (15 exits of A zone, 15 exits of B zone and C zone unlimited) – €53.08
8. Annual license for members aged 14–18 – €13.27
9. Daily license for the lake – €13.27
10. Three-day lake license – €33.18
11. Seven-day lake license – €53.09