Mating of the deer is called “rutting “or „deer love call “, since the male makes soft long grunts and calls for his dear deer.

Many do not know that one stag impregnates approximately 20 hinds during one mating season. In some habitats, even more. August and September are the “rutting “months when the chances are higher to see deer with their beautiful antlers.
Deer in our habitat are called red deer (Cervus elaphus) but we also call them “Belje deer”. In hunting circles, “Belje deer” have high-quality antlers with bronze, silver, or gold medals.
Concerning this “deer love call” in the context of our tourist offer, it is important to note that in the nearby Kopački rit Nature Park, you can request programs that include observing and listening to the deer rut. These kinds of programs are specific and are organized according to the deer habits, in other words, they take place early in the morning or in the evening when they are most active.

Kopački rit Nature Park is partly a floodplain, where the deer often love to stay. Here they are approached by a small boat or canoe at a safe distance from which the tourists can hear them, observe them, and take photographs of them. Their main habitat is the other part of the Park, which is covered by a beautiful forest. This is the location where tourists have the best chance to see the deer. An authorized guide takes the tourists to the forest with a terrain vehicle, after which they hike through the forest to the best locations. Since these programs are organized at sunrise or sunset, the view that nature provides is breath-taking.

This kind of tour is a never-to-be-forgotten experience!