Join the first HIGHLANDER Adventure that’s taking place right above Zagreb – the capital city of Croatia. Explore the magnificent mountain towering above Zagreb through a unique mountaineering festival!

The Medvednica mountain is a rare example of a nature park merging with a capital city, which will make your experience even more special. In this area, the natural, cultural, and historic values intertwine and depend on each other, and through a 59 km long trail, you’ll witness it firsthand. Let becoming a HIGHLANDER change your perspective, while nature soothes your soul, yoga calms your mind, and listening to music around a campfire heightens the Adventure of a Lifetime. Don’t worry about the logistics, simply enjoy those hiking days and once-in-a-lifetime starry nights on Medvednica mountain.
The route includes more than 2,500m of ascend above the city of Zagreb.
– The 59 km long route starts at a cultural monument in Susedgrad and follows the Medvednica Transversal.
– The 1M Transversal is full of natural gems such as the Sopot waterfall and the Kraljičin Zdenac pond that come alive with the fresh colors of spring.
– The finish is located in Sesvete.
After a long day of hiking that challenged your body, there’s nothing more rewarding than a diverse program that will relax your body while feeding your mind and soul at the same time.
The HIGHLANDER team has prepared various activities – including music, yoga, and diverse workshops to cater to your HIGHLANDER spirit.
You will be able to create a deeper connection with the hiking community and meet some new friends! But if solitude under the starry sky is more your thing, learn something new and practice it in the natural spaciousness of Medvednica.

Photography: Samir Kurtagic