After several months of patience and goodwill, we’re finally able to change the name of our tourist board to “Tourist Board of Bilje Municipality – Kopački rit”.
Why is KOPAČKI RIT added? Because Kopački rit Nature Park, mainly situated within the borders of Bilje Municipality, is also the main initiator for the development of tourism and for attracting tourists to our destination. Besides the rich culture and gastronomy, tourists travel to Baranja because of the rich natural beauties that can be found here. Cyclotourism, birdwatching, deer rut programs, photo safari programs, boat tours, and canoe tours are activities that are in high demand on a national and global scale.
It is important to note that we are a destination, where instead of mass tourism, a different form of tourism has developed.
We have an individual approach to tourists and pay special attention to their needs in a safe environment, which is especially important these days.

It is highly important to create a well-positioned municipality that will be even more recognizable within the country and beyond the borders. By adding Kopački rit, the tourist can clearly discover our location and the motive to travel to our destination. This is just one more step towards the branding and profiling of our destination, whereas many other activities are in preparation that will raise the quality of the tourist product in Bilje Municipality and in the wider area of Baranja.